
A proof for the bridge is a quorum of signatures by a valid validator set. A bridge header is a proof attached to a message understandable to the Ethereum smart contracts. For transferring value to Ethereum, a proof is a signed Merkle tree root and inclusion proofs of asset transfer messages understandable to the Ethereum smart contracts, as described in the section on batching.

A message for transferring value to Ethereum is a TransferToNamada instance as described here.

Additionally, when the validator set changes, the smart contracts on Ethereum must be updated so that it can continue to recognize valid proofs. Since the Ethereum smart contract should accept any bridge header signed by 2 / 3 of the staking validators, it needs up-to-date knowledge of:

  • The current validators' public keys
  • The current stake of each validator

This means that by the end of every Namada epoch, a special transaction must be sent to the Ethereum smart contracts detailing the new public keys and stake of the new validator set. This message must also be signed by at least 2 / 3 of the current validators as a "transfer of power".

If vote extensions are available, a fully crafted transfer of power message will be made available on-chain. Otherwise, this message must be crafted offline by aggregating the protocol txs from validators in which the sign over the new validator set.

If vote extensions are available, this signed data can be constructed using them. Otherwise, validators must send protocol txs to be included on the ledger. Once a quorum exist on chain, they can be aggregated into a single message that can be relayed to Ethereum. Signing an invalid validator transition set will be considered a slashable offense.

Due to asynchronicity concerns, this message should be submitted well in advance of the actual epoch change. It should happen at the beginning of each new epoch. Bridge headers to ethereum should include the current Namada epoch so that the smart contract knows how to verify the headers. In short, there is a pipelining mechanism in the smart contract - the active validators for epoch n submit details of the active validator set for epoch n+1.

Such a message is not prompted by any user transaction and thus will have to be carried out by a bridge relayer. Once the necessary data to construct the transfer of power message is on chain, any time afterwards a Namada bridge process may take it to craft the appropriate header to the Ethereum smart contracts.

The details on bridge relayers are below in the corresponding section.

Signing incorrect headers is considered a slashable offense. Anyone witnessing an incorrect header that is signed may submit a complaint (a type of transaction) to initiate slashing of the validator who made the signature.

Namada Bridge Relayers

Validator changes must be turned into a message that can be communicated to smart contracts on Ethereum. These smart contracts need this information to verify proofs of actions taken on Namada.

Since this is protocol level information, it is not user prompted and thus should not be the responsibility of any user to submit such a transaction. However, any user may choose to submit this transaction anyway.

This necessitates a Namada node whose job it is to submit these transactions on Ethereum by the conclusion of each Namada epoch. This node is called the bridge relayer. In theory, since this message is publicly available on the blockchain, anyone can submit this transaction, but only the bridge relayer will be directly compensated by Namada.

The bridge relayer will be chosen to be the proposer of the first block of the new epoch. Anyone else may relay this message, but must pay for the fees out of their own pocket.

All Namada validators will have an option to serve as bridge relayer and the Namada ledger will include a process that does the relaying. Since all Namada validators are running Ethereum full nodes, they can monitor that the message was relayed correctly by the bridge relayer.

If the Ethereum event spawned by relaying their message gets accepted by the Ethereum state inclusion onto Namada, new NAM tokens will be minted to reward them. The reward amount shall be a protocol parameter that can be changed via governance. It should be high enough to cover necessary gas fees.

Recovering from an update failure

If vote extensions are not available, Namada cannot guarantee that a quorum of validator signatures can be gathered for the message that updates the validator set before some epoch EE ends. Should this scenario take place, the Ethereum bridge will halt in the Namada to Ethereum direction, since it will not be able to authenticate user transfers.

In this case, the validators from EE will need to coordinate, offline, the crafting of a transaction including their vote on the validator set of E+1E + 1. The only way this is impossible is if more than 1/31/3 (by stake) of the consensus validators from EE delete their Ethereum hot keys, which is extremely unlikely.

Namada Bridge Relayers

Proofs themselves do not alter any state in Ethereum. Rather, they authenticate state transitions in Ethereum based on the security properties (in the BFT sense) of the Namada network. Carrying out state updates in Ethereum is the task of an Ethereum bridge relayer. The Ethereum bridge relayer must submit proofs to the Ethereum bridge smart contracts before the conclusion of each Namada epoch, at which point proofs become invalid, due to:

  1. Validator set nonces incrementing (Namada uses epoch values for this purpose).
  2. Validator sets themselves changing.

The default set of binaries of the Namada chain provide:

  • An automatic validator set update relayer daemon, as well as a manual validator set update relayer.
    • Validator set update relayers are currently not compensated. Relaying is done out of good will for the Ethereum bridge to continue operating.
  • A manual relayer to send a batch of pending transfers to Ethereum. Specialized relayers for these kinds of proofs are encouraged to be developed by third-parties, since gas fees compensating relayers are provided by the Namada network.

Relaying is characterized by pushing protocol level information to Ethereum, therefore it is not user prompted and should not be their responsibility. However, any user may choose to assume the role of an Ethereum bridge relayer anyway, since no restrictions are imposed on who actually performs the relaying of Ethereum bridge proofs.