MASP integration spec


The overall aim of this integration is to have the ability to provide a multi-asset shielded pool following the MASP spec as an account on the current Namada blockchain implementation.

Shielded pool validity predicate (VP)

The shielded value pool can be an Namada established account with a validity predicate which handles the verification of shielded transactions. Similarly to zcash, the asset balance of the shielded pool itself is transparent - that is, from the transparent perspective, the MASP is just an account holding assets. The shielded pool VP has the following functions:

  • Accepts only valid transactions involving assets moving in or out of the pool.
  • Accepts valid shielded-to-shielded transactions, which don't move assets from the perspective of transparent Namada.
  • Publishes the note commitment and nullifier reveal Merkle trees.

To make this possible, the host environment needs to provide verification primitives to VPs. One possibility is to provide a single high-level operation to verify transaction output descriptions and proofs, but another is to provide cryptographic functions in the host environment and implement the verifier as part of the VP.

In future, the shielded pool will be able to update the commitment and nullifier Merkle trees as it receives transactions. This could likely be achieved via the temporary storage mechanism added for IBC, with the trees finalized with each block.

The input to the VP is the following set of state changes:

  • updates to the shielded pool's asset balances
  • new encrypted notes
  • updated note and nullifier tree states (partial, because we only have the last block's anchor)

and the following data which is ancillary from the ledger's perspective:

  • spend descriptions, which destroy old notes:
struct SpendDescription {
  // Value commitment to amount of the asset in the note being spent
  cv: jubjub::ExtendedPoint,
  // Last block's commitment tree root
  anchor: bls12_381::Scalar,
  // Nullifier for the note being nullified
  nullifier: [u8; 32],
  // Re-randomized version of the spend authorization key
  rk: PublicKey,
  // Spend authorization signature
  spend_auth_sig: Signature,
  // Zero-knowledge proof of the note and proof-authorizing key
  zkproof: Proof<Bls12>,
  • output descriptions, which create new notes:
struct OutputDescription {
  // Value commitment to amount of the asset in the note being created
  cv: jubjub::ExtendedPoint,
  // Derived commitment tree location for the output note
  cmu: bls12_381::Scalar,
  // Note encryption public key
  epk: jubjub::ExtendedPoint,
  // Encrypted note ciphertext
  c_enc: [u8; ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE],
  // Encrypted note key recovery ciphertext
  c_out: [u8; OUT_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE],
  // Zero-knowledge proof of the new encrypted note's location
  zkproof: Proof<Bls12>,

Given these inputs:

The VP must verify the proofs for all spend and output descriptions (bellman::groth16 (opens in a new tab)), as well as the signature for spend notes.

Encrypted notes from output descriptions must be published in the storage so that holders of the viewing key can view them; however, the VP does not concern itself with plaintext notes.

Nullifiers and commitments must be appended to their respective Merkle trees in the VP's storage as well, which is a transaction-level rather than a block-level state update.

In addition to the individual spend and output description verifications, the final transparent asset value change described in the transaction must equal the pool asset value change. As an additional sanity check, the pool's balance of any asset may not end up negative.

NB: Shielded-to-shielded transactions in an asset do not, from the ledger's perspective, transact in that asset; therefore, the asset's own VP cannot run as described above because the shielded pool is asset-hiding.

Client capabilities

The client should be able to:

  • Make transactions with a shielded sender and/or receiver
  • Scan the blockchain to determine shielded assets in one's possession
  • Generate payment addresses from viewing keys from spending keys

To make shielded transactions, the client has to be capable of creating and spending notes, and generating proofs which the pool VP verifies.

Unlike the VP, which must have the ability to do complex verifications, the transaction code for shielded transactions can be comparatively simple: it delivers the transparent value changes in or out of the pool, if any, and proof data computed offline by the client.

The client and wallet must be extended to support the shielded pool and the cryptographic operations needed to interact with it. From the perspective of the transparent Namada protocol, a shielded transaction is just a data write to the MASP storage, unless it moves value in or out of the pool. The client needs the capability to create notes, transactions, and proofs of transactions, but it has the advantage of simply being able to link against the MASP crates, unlike the VP.


Note Format

The note structure encodes an asset's type, its quantity and its owner. More precisely, it has the following format:

struct Note {
  // Diversifier for recipient address
  d: jubjub::SubgroupPoint,
  // Diversified public transmission key for recipient address
  pk_d: jubjub::SubgroupPoint,
  // Asset value in the note
  value: u64,
  // Pedersen commitment trapdoor
  rseed: Rseed,
  // Asset identifier for this note
  asset_type: AssetType,
  // Arbitrary data chosen by note sender
  memo: [u8; 512],

For cryptographic details and further information, see Note Plaintexts and Memo Fields (opens in a new tab). Note that this structure is required only by the client; the VP only handles commitments to this data.

Diversifiers are selected by the client and used to diversify addresses and their associated keys. v and t identify the asset type and value. Asset identifiers are derived from asset names, which are arbitrary strings (in this case, token/other asset VP addresses). The derivation must deterministically result in an identifier which hashes to a valid curve point.

Transaction Format

The transaction data structure comprises a list of transparent inputs and outputs as well as a list of shielded inputs and outputs. More precisely:

struct Transaction {
    // Transaction version
    version: u32,
    // Transparent inputs
    tx_in: Vec<TxIn>,
    // Transparent outputs
    tx_out: Vec<TxOut>,
    // The net value of Sapling spends minus outputs
    value_balance_sapling: Vec<(u64, AssetType)>,
    // A sequence ofSpend descriptions
    spends_sapling: Vec<SpendDescription>,
    // A sequence ofOutput descriptions
    outputs_sapling: Vec<OutputDescription>,
    // A binding signature on the SIGHASH transaction hash,
    binding_sig_sapling: [u8; 64],

For the cryptographic constraints and further information, see Transaction Encoding and Consensus (opens in a new tab). Note that this structure slightly deviates from Sapling due to the fact that value_balance_sapling needs to be provided for each asset type.

Transparent Input Format

The input data structure describes how much of each asset is being deducted from certain accounts. More precisely, it is as follows:

struct TxIn {
    // Source address
    address: Address,
    // Asset identifier for this input
    token: AssetType,
    // Asset value in the input
    amount: u64,
    // A signature over the hash of the transaction
    sig: Signature,
    // Used to verify the owner's signature
    pk: PublicKey,

Note that the signature and public key are required to authenticate the deductions.

Transparent Output Format

The output data structure describes how much is being added to certain accounts. More precisely, it is as follows:

struct TxOut {
    // Destination address
    address: Address,
    // Asset identifier for this output
    token: AssetType,
    // Asset value in the output
    amount: u64,

Note that in contrast to Sapling's UTXO based approach, our transparent inputs/outputs are based on the account model used in the rest of Namada.

Shielded Transfer Specification

Transfer Format

Shielded transactions are implemented as an optional extension to transparent ledger transfers. The optional shielded field in combination with the source and target field determine whether the transfer is shielding, shielded, or unshielded. See the transfer format below:

/// A simple bilateral token transfer
#[derive(..., BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, ...)]
pub struct Transfer {
    /// Source address will spend the tokens
    pub source: Address,
    /// Target address will receive the tokens
    pub target: Address,
    /// Token's address
    pub token: Address,
    /// The amount of tokens
    pub amount: Amount,
    /// The unused storage location at which to place TxId
    pub key: Option<String>,
    /// Shielded transaction part
    pub shielded: Option<Transaction>,


Below, the conditions necessary for a valid shielded or unshielded transfer are outlined:

  • A shielded component equal to None indicates a transparent Namada transaction
  • Otherwise the shielded component must have the form Some(x) where x has the transaction encoding specified in the Multi-Asset Shielded Pool Specs
  • Hence for a shielded transaction to be valid:
    • the Transfer must satisfy the usual conditions for Namada ledger transfers (i.e. sufficient funds, ...) as enforced by token and account validity predicates
    • the Transaction must satisfy the conditions specified in the Multi-Asset Shielded Pool Specification (opens in a new tab)
    • the Transaction and Transfer together must additionally satisfy the below boundary conditions intended to ensure consistency between the MASP validity predicate ledger and Namada ledger
  • A key equal to None indicates an unpinned shielded transaction; one that can only be found by scanning and trial-decrypting the entire shielded pool
  • Otherwise the key must have the form Some(x) where x is a String such that there exists no prior accepted transaction with the same key

Boundary Conditions

Below, the conditions necessary to maintain consistency between the MASP validity predicate ledger and Namada ledger are outlined:

  • If the target address is the MASP validity predicate, then no transparent outputs are permitted in the shielded transaction
  • If the target address is not the MASP validity predicate, then:
    • there must be exactly one transparent output in the shielded transaction and:
      • its public key must be the hash of the target address bytes - this prevents replay attacks altering transfer destinations
        • the hash is specifically a RIPEMD-160 of a SHA-256 of the input bytes
      • its value must equal that of the containing transfer - this prevents replay attacks altering transfer amounts
      • its asset type must be derived from the token address raw bytes and the current epoch once Borsh serialized from the type (Address, Epoch):
        • the dependency on the address prevents replay attacks altering transfer asset types
        • the current epoch requirement prevents attackers from claiming extra rewards by forging the time when they began to receive rewards
        • the derivation must be done as specified in 0.3 Derivation of Asset Generator from Asset Identifier
  • If the source address is the MASP validity predicate, then:
    • no transparent inputs are permitted in the shielded transaction
    • the transparent transaction value pool's amount must equal the containing wrapper transaction's fee amount
    • the transparent transaction value pool's asset type must be derived from the containing wrapper transaction's fee token
      • the derivation must be done as specified in 0.3 Derivation of Asset Generator from Asset Identifier
  • If the source address is not the MASP validity predicate, then the transparent transaction value pool's amount must equal zero


Below are miscellaneous remarks on the capabilities and limitations of the current MASP implementation:

  • The gas fees for shielded transactions are charged to the signer just like it is done for transparent transactions
    • As a consequence, an amount exceeding the gas fees must be available in a transparent account in order to execute an unshielding transaction - this prevents denial of service attacks
  • Using the MASP sentinel transaction key for transaction signing indicates that gas be drawn from the transaction's transparent value pool
    • In this case, the gas will be taken from the MASP transparent address if the shielded transaction is proven to be valid
  • With knowledge of its key, a pinned shielded transaction can be directly downloaded or proven non-existent without scanning the entire blockchain
    • It is recommended that pinned transaction's key be derived from the hash of its payment address, something that both transaction parties would share
    • This key must not be reused, this is in order to avoid revealing that multiple transactions are going to the same entity

Multi-Asset Shielded Pool Specification Differences from Zcash Protocol Specification

The Multi-Asset Shielded Pool Specification (opens in a new tab) referenced above is in turn an extension to the Zcash Protocol Specification (opens in a new tab). Below, the changes from the Zcash Protocol Specification assumed to have been integrated into the Multi-Asset Shielded Pool Specification are listed:

Additional Sections

In addition to the above components of shielded transactions inherited from Zcash, we have the following:

Convert Descriptions

Each transaction includes a sequence of zero or more Convert descriptions.

Let ValueCommit.Output be as defined in 4.1.8 (opens in a new tab) Commitment. Let B[Sapling Merkle] be as defined in 5.3 (opens in a new tab) Constants. Let ZKSpend be as defined in 4.1.13 (opens in a new tab) Zero-Knowledge Proving System.

A convert description comprises (cv, rt, pi) where

  • cv: ValueCommit.Output is value commitment to the value of the conversion note
  • rt: B[Sapling Merkle] is an anchor for the current conversion tree or an archived conversion tree
  • pi: ZKConvert.Proof is a zk-SNARK proof with primary input (rt, cv) for the Convert statement defined at Burn and Mint conversion transactions in MASP.

Convert Description Encoding

Let pi_{ZKConvert} be the zk-SNARK proof of the corresponding Convert statement. pi_{ZKConvert} is encoded in the zkproof field of the Convert description.

An abstract Convert description, as described above, is encoded in a transaction as an instance of a ConvertDescription type:

  • First Entry
    • Bytes: 32
    • Name: cv
    • Data Type: byte[32]
    • Description: A value commitment to the value of the conversion note, LEBS2OSP_256(repr_J(cv)).
  • Second Entry
    • Bytes: 32
    • Name: anchor
    • Data Type: byte[32]
    • Description: A root of the current conversion tree or an archived conversion tree, LEBS2OSP_256(rt^Sapling).
  • Third Entry
    • Bytes: 192
    • Name: zkproof
    • Data Type: byte[192]
    • Description: An encoding of the zk-SNARK proof pi_{ZKConvert} (see (opens in a new tab) Groth16).

Required Changes to ZIP 32: Shielded Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets

Below, the changes from ZIP 32: Shielded Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets (opens in a new tab) assumed to have been integrated into the Multi-Asset Shielded Pool Specification are listed:

Storage Interface Specification

Namada nodes provide interfaces that allow Namada clients to query for specific pinned transactions, transactions accepted into the shielded pool, and allowed conversions between various asset types. Below we describe the ABCI paths and the encodings of the responses to each type of query.

Shielded Transfer Query

In order to determine shielded balances belonging to particular keys or spend one's balance, it is necessary to download the transactions that transferred the assets to you. To this end, the nth transaction in the shielded pool can be obtained by getting the value at the storage path <MASP-address>/tx-<n>. Note that indexing is 0-based. This will return a quadruple of the type below:

    /// the epoch of the transaction's block
    /// the height of the transaction's block
    /// the index of the transaction within the block
    /// the actual bytes of the transfer

Transfer is defined as above and (Epoch, BlockHeight, TxIndex) = (u64, u64, u32).

Transaction Count Query

When scanning the shielded pool, it is sometimes useful know when to stop scanning. This can be done by querying the storage path head-tx, which will return a u64 indicating the total number of transactions in the shielded pool.

Pinned Transfer Query

A transaction pinned to the key x in the shielded pool can be obtained indirectly by getting the value at the storage path <MASP address>/pin-<x>. This will return the index of the desired transaction within the shielded pool encoded as a u64. At this point, the above shielded transaction query can then be used to obtain the actual transaction bytes.

Conversion Query

In order for MASP clients to convert older asset types to their latest variants, they need to query nodes for currently valid conversions. This can be done by querying the ABCI path conv/<asset-type> where asset-type is a hexadecimal encoding of the asset identifier as defined in Multi-Asset Shielded Pool Specification (opens in a new tab). This will return a quadruple of the type below:

    /// the token address of this asset type
    /// the epoch of this asset type
    /// the amount to be treated as equivalent to zero
    /// the Merkle path to this conversion

If no conversions are available, the amount will be exactly zero, otherwise the amount must contain negative units of the queried asset type.